Local Law 11, the Department of Buildings'
Facade Inspection Safety Program
(FISP), requires the filing of a report every
five years on the condition of the facade of
all NYC buildings 75 feet and higher. Filing
dates are staggered based on the property
tax block number of the affected building.
Over time, the Department of Buildings has
added issues for the inspecting engineer or
architect to address – air conditioner installations
and balcony railings have thus come
to be included in FISP inspections.
In 2016, DoB issued a notice requiring
documentation of the permitting status of
balcony and greenhouse enclosures and
mandating that any unpermitted enclosures
be removed or legalized. Many of
these enclosures have been in place for
decades – often they were considered a
significant perk to the purchaser of a co-op
or condo unit; owner could often get higher
rents than for similar units where the balcony
was not enclosed. It was difficult to
trace whether the entity or individual who
enclosed balcony space far in the past
had been granted a permit for the process.
And, even more problematic, was the realization
that for many buildings it would be
impossible to legalize existing enclosures
without exceeding the building's allowable
Floor Area Ration (FAR). Requiring owners
to dismantle enclosures that had been
part of the unit presented its own panoply
of problems.
In the light of these unanticipated issues,
the Department of Buildings has agreed
not to require documentation of permits for
existing enclosures, thus eliminating the
specter of widespread removal. Careful
inspection of balcony enclosures continues
to be required of the FISP report, and no
future enclosures will be allowed without
proper filings and permitting from the Department
of Buildings.
On August 28, 2017 the City Council
enacted legislation that requires all multiple
dwellings including cooperatives and condominiums
to create and distribute a smoking
policy for the building. This policy must
state in detail where smoking is permitted or
prohibited on the premises, including indoor
and outdoor areas. Effective August 28,
2018, this policy must be provided annually
to tenants– though this can be accomplished
by posting the notice prominently–
and incorporated into leases and purchase
agreements and into the bylaws or rules of
cooperatives and condominiums.
The legislation does not require that any
particular policy be adopted (it also exempts
current rental tenants – though the smoking
policy must be incorporated into any future
leases– and permanently exempts existing
rent regulated tenants). Some cooperatives
have, however, used this requirement
as a catalyst for entering into discussions
about making their building smoke free.
Boards of cooperatives currently have
authority to require that residents control
second hand smoke through the provision
in most proprietary leases that states that
the shareholder shall not permit noise or
odors to escape from their apartment.
Required record keeping includes the
policy itself plus proof of annual notification
of the policy to residents. Material
changes to the Smoking Policy must be
disclosed as they are enacted and properly
reflected in documents.
Two new Fire Safety rules adopted
in June of 2016 require owners of buildings
and hotels where corridors have 8
or more apartments or guest rooms to
place glow-in-the-dark room number and
letter markings near the ground at entrance
doors for all units, along with any necessary
directional markings and exit signs to
help emergency personnel locate the correct
unit when responding to fires, medical
emergencies and other emergencies at
the building. Additional markings to help
identify duplex apartments and those that
are joined horizontally will help save time in
emergencies and if it becomes necessary
to evacuate apartments.
Markers are required on the corridor
side of all apartment doors on or next to
the door itself at a height between 48" and
60" from the floor. The letters and numbers
must contrast with the background so as
to be plainly discernible. A second apartment
marker is affixed to the door jamb on
hinged side of the door, with the top of the
marker 12" above the floor. This enables
fighters, first responders and building
residents identify apartment numbers in
smoke conditions that obscure the regular
(eye-level) apartment door number signs.
Buildings with more than 8 dwelling
units on a corridor must also post
a marker or sign in the elevator lobby
or other public entry on each floor identifying
the units on the floor. Additional
careful details enhance building safety
and improve emergency response.
The texts of the final rules implementing
3RCNY Section 505-01 "Apartment
and Guest Room Identification and Directional
Markings and Signs" and 3RCNY
Section 505-02 "apartment, Guest Room
and Stairwell Fire Emergency Markings"
can be found on by searching Emergency
Markings at
These rules are detailed, with clear illustrations
in the appendix.
In August of 2017, Governor Cuomo
signed legislation that had as its goal to require
the boards of all housing cooperatives
and condominiums in the state to report at
least annually to shareholders or unit owners
on any contracts entered into or approved
by the board where a conflict of interest
was present. The first report must be
presented during the year 2018. It must be
signed by each director and must provide
details on 'any contracts made, entered into
or otherwise voted on by the board, that
were subject to section 715 of the Not-for-
Profit Corporation Law' (which describes
what is meant by interested parties and
conflicts of interest). The report must reference
all meetings where the contract was
discussed, which board members were
present at each meeting and how each
board member voted. If there is a year
when no such contracts are discussed, the
report must still be issued, stating that there
were no contracts discussed where a conflict
of interest was present.
This legislation has been called a solution
in search of a problem. It cites the
Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, although
the cooperatives nor condominiums to which it applies are not formed as not-forprofit
corporations. Nor does it acknowledge
the many aspects of condominium
and cooperative governance where working
with interested parties with full disclosure
of the relationship has significant
benefits for the community.
To help members understand the requirements
of this law and how best to
meet those requirements in their own
cooperative or condominium, CNYC has
scheduled a meeting on Wednesday, October
17, 2018 (see page 13) where attorney
Arthur Weinstein, Esq., a founder
and Vice president of CNYC will have
advice and templates for participants and
answers to the questions that they bring.
City Government encourages building
owners and managers to consider
and address emergency preparedness
issues with building residents and with
staff. This includes the following key
- The New York City Fire Code requires
apartment buildings to prepare
and distribute a fire and non-fire
emergency preparedness guide and
post certain notices. The guides can
be found at
notice.pdf. It provide detailed
information to residents and reference
websites where additional safety
information can be found.
- Residents with special needs should
advise the board, the Super or management
about any special consideration
they may need in an emergency
situation. This information should
be incorporated into all emergency
plans, and, as necessary, should be
communicated to firefighters or other
emergency personnel. For help consult
the website of the Mayors Office
for People with Disabilities (MOPD)
- Clear communications will enhance
the safety of all building residents
and staff during an emergency. All
communications resources should
be maintained in good order (this includes
current telephone and e-mail
lists of residents). Management numbers
to call in an emergency should
be well publicized. Notices should warn of weather emergencies. A sample
notice can be found on the HPD
website at
- The NYC Department of Emergency
Management and NYPD have emergency
notification systems. Monitor
these to keep the building informed
and able to take whatever actions
may become necessary to safeguard
the building and its residents.
Local Law 60 of 2017 requires building
owners to begin compiling information on
any bedbug infestations in the building
in the course of the year. Beginning in
December of 2018, owners (including cooperatives
and condominiums) must file
a detailed annual bedbug history with the
Department of Housing Preservation and
& Development. This history must also
be posted prominently in the building or
distribute it to all tenants. The legislation
suggested that the Department of
Health & Mental Hygiene would promulgate
or approve a format for this report,
but, at this writing, CNYC was unable
to find such a form on the DoH website
( although there is a
wealth of information on the site concerning
bedbugs. When HPD begins receiving
the bedbug histories, the legislation
instructs that it post them on its website
Here is a tickler list of prudent record retention. (most of these can be kept in electronic form):
Keep Permanently
- Annual Reports
- Appraisals by outside appraisers
- Articles of Incorporation
- Audit Reports
- Balance Sheets
- Blueprints & Plans
- By-Laws
- Stock Certificate Records
- Cash Books
- Cash Disbursements and Receipt
- Certificate of Condominium
- Chart of Accounts
- Check Register
- Cancelled checks for:
- taxes
- special contracts
- significant purchases
- Contracts, mortgages, leases
- Correspondence on legal matters
- Deeds, mortgages, bills of sale
- Election Records
- Financial statements (year end)
- General Ledgers
- Insurance Records
- current accident reports
- claims, policies
- Journal Entries
- Minutes books
- Proprietary Lease
- Retirement & pension records
- Tax Returns (and worksheets)
- Training manuals
- Trial Balance
- Union Agreements
- Vouchers/payments to employees,
- W-2 Forms
Keep for 7 Years
- Accident reports/claims (settled cases)
- Accounting ledgers
- Bank Statements and Reconciliations
- Cancelled checks (see exceptions at left)
- Charge Slips
- Expense Reports
- Expired contracts, mortgages, leases
- Garnishments
- Inventories of materials, supplies
- Invoices
- Notes receivable ledgers and schedules
- Payroll records
- Personnel files (terminated)
- Purchase Orders
- Stock certificates (cancelled)
- Time Books/cards
- Voucher registers and schedules
- Withholding tax schedules
Keep for 3 Years
- Bank Deposit Slips
- Budgets
- Statements
- Employment applications
- Insurance policies (expired)
- Internal audit reports
- Petty cash vouchers
Keep for 2 Years
- Bank reconciliations
- General correspondence
- Duplicate deposit slips
Keep for 1 Year