Council of New York Cooperatives & Condominiums
Article Archive
Building & Neighborhood Issues

Published: Autumn 1997

The Association for a Better New York and the New York City Police Department launched a neighborhood security system in Manhattan two decades ago, creating Operation Interlock south of 59th Street and Operation Interwatch north of 59th Street. Now, helped by funding from the Queens Borough President's Office, QueensWatch is being launched. These programs enable participants to report emergencies to a dedicated central base station via walkie-talkie.

Jo-Ann Polise of Operation Interwatch, Operation Interlock gave a presentation at the 1998 Annual Meeting.
Each system is monitored around the clock by a police officer who re-broadcasts emergencies over NYPD radio to affect a quick response. If your cooperative or condominium is located in these boroughs, your building staff can be trained to participate in this program.

Each participating building must purchase a walkie-talkie at a cost of approximately $1,100 and subscribe to the program at an annual fee of $365 -- just a dollar a day. Your walkie-talkie links your building directly to the Central Base Station monitored by the Police 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The calls bypass 911 and are immediately relayed to police, fire department or emergency medical services for a timely response to your emergency.

Training is available to all building personnel at no extra charge. A New York City police officer provides instructions on proper reporting procedures and other security techniques. To protect the integrity of the system and maximize its effectiveness, training is mandatory for anyone who will be using the walkie-talkie.

For additional information, or to register for Operation Interwatch, Operation Interlock or QueensWatch, contact Program Director Jo-Ann Polise at the Association for a Better New York at (212) 370-5986.

On Thursday, January 15, 1998, CNYC will hold a workshop on security for your building and your neighborhood. Jo-Ann Polise and NYPD Detective Lou Uliano will discuss ways of enhancing the safety of your building and your community.

The City Council has recently passed legislation permitting the installation of garbage disposal units in sinks in apartment buildings in New York City. CNYC is concerned about the possible detrimental effect of these units on the plumbing of older buildings, particularly if they are installed by do-it-yourselfers.
Your cooperative or condominium should carefully research this issue before deciding whether to permit disposal units to be installed. It is appropriate at this time to remind all residents that permission is required for the use of such an appliance.


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