Publication Date: Autumn 1999
October is Co-op Month. Nationwide. And all across America,
cooperatives are celebrating their achievements, learning
to work together cooperatively' and seeking to make
the public more aware of the values of cooperatives. Over
one million families are resident owners in housing cooperatives,
and seventy million Americans are members of credit unions.
There are 4,000 agricultural cooperatives, almost 1,000 rural
electric cooperatives serving 30 million consumer-owners,
250 rural telephone cooperatives serving 1.25 million customers
in 46 states, 5,000 consumer cooperatives with 3 million consumer
members including health care cooperatives, cooperative schools,
fishing cooperatives, cooperative groceries and hardware stores,
baby-sitting cooperatives. The list goes on and on.
To commemorate Co-op Month 1999, the National Cooperative Business Association and the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives have orchestrated many activities. Locally, cooperatives are encouraged to conduct meetings, to stage events and to write articles to help expand awareness of cooperatives. Proclamations have been requested from Governors and State Legislatures to recognize cooperatives.
Many co-op leaders gathered in Washington, D.C. to celebrate Co-op Month with a Congressional Reception and a White House break-fast. CNYC's executive director Mary Ann Rothman was one of the delegates invited to represent housing cooperatives.
As Co-op Month progresses, your cooperative can also participating
in recognizing the value and the achievements of cooperatives.
To learn more about Co-op Month and about other cooperatives
nationwide, visit the National Cooperative Business Association's
Website at