Published: Winter 1999
CNYC proudly announces a series of three seminars presented
in concert with the Landmarks Conservancy to help you take
better control of the preservation of your building. Experts
will provide advice on preventive care and quality restoration
to help every building – particularly yours –
look its best and be in the best of shape.
These interactive seminars are designed to provide insight
into how to deal with the physical problems that inevitably
afflict buildings as they age. Using slide presentations,
experts will call attention to compliance with local laws
affecting buildings and to opportunities for abatements or
tax credits to help defray the cost of major improvements.
Representatives of the Conservancy's Technical Service Center
will be on hand to answer questions, ranging from how to list
your building on the National Register to the appropriate
type of mortar to have your contractor use.
- The seminars are scheduled on Tuesday evenings, April
13, May 11 and June 8, at 129 East 79th Street at 6 pm.
Property managers and Buildings Operations Committee and
House Committee members will want to attend; many buildings
will also want to invite their superintendents. Light refreshments
will be served at the start of each meeting.
- April 13 - The Building Envelope
- May 11 - Unwritten Rules
- June 8 - Surviving Improvements