Published: Summer 2002
On September 11, 2001, we saw how unforeseen events can
suddenly change our lives. Like leaders in every field,
board members in housing cooperatives and condominiums have
since been examining and refining plans for coping effectively
in times of crisis, whether the problem is a stuck elevator,
a down boiler, a fire or other natural disaster or
some previously unimagined attack.
Planning tends to focus first on prevention, reminding
building staff and residents of security precautions and
procedures, sharpening their attentiveness to suspicious
individuals and actions, and ensuring both that safety equipment
is in good condition and that contingency plans are well
understood by all.
Clear, non-alarmist communications to building residents
and staff will help allay fears and prepare everyone to
cope. Pages 4 and 5 of this Newsletter offer a set of recommendations
which CNYC and the Federation of New York Housing Cooperatives
have developed for members, with thanks to the New York
Association of Realty Managers, the Real Estate Board of
New York, and the Associated Builders and Owners of Greater
New York. Each of these organizations have presented important
and informative seminars on these issues.