Council of New York Cooperatives & Condominiums
Current Articles
COMING EVENTS - Classes and Meetings of Interest

Published: Spring 2018

Wednesday, June 27, 2018 7:00 PM Location to be announced
Treasurers are responsible for the financial health of their cooperatives and condominiums. This task has diverse ramifications- -all are potential discussion topics at the Treasurers' Workshop, conducted periodically by CNYC. This is not a 'how-to' presentation, but rather an opportunity for treasurers to 'talk shop' under the guidance of Rick Montanye of the accounting firm of Marin & Montanye. Issues raised brought by participants set the agenda. Treasurers (and other board members) of CNYC member cooperatives and condominiums attend at no cost, but advanced registration is required. Non-members are very welcome at a fee of $50, payable in advance. Reserve your place by calling CNYC at (212) 496-7400 or register by e-mail to workshops@ To pay at the door, preregister and add $15.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018 7:00 PM Location to be announced
Newly elected board members need solid instruction and training to understand their roles and fiduciary duties. Operating a coop or condo involves many of the same responsibilities as any other business, yet board members are volunteers who may not have experience in such matters. A proactive approach to onboarding new members sets the tone and positions the entire board for success. Management companies are an important partner in empowering new board members and helping them learn the ropes. Management Executive Dan Wurtzel will walk participants through best practices of onboarding new members. There is no fee for representatives of CNYC, FNYHC, CAI, UHAB, CCC and ARC member cooperatives and condominiums to attend this session; others are welcome at a fee of $50 if paid in advance or $75 at the door. Advance reservations are required. Call CNYC at (212) 496-7400 or send e-mail to [email protected] to reserve your place.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018 7:00 PM Location to be announced
Board members and residents of housing cooperatives and condominiums who are interested in reducing their building's operating costs and environmental footprint by going solar will want to attend this class.. Experts from Solar One, an environmental non-profit that helps buildings install solar in NYC, will walk participants through options available for coops and condos to take advantage of onsite and offsite solar. During the class, buildings – consider volunteering yours! – will undergo a remote solar assessment. There will also be discussion of equitable distribution of the cost and benefits of onsite solar. And for those buildings that aren't suited to site solar, Solar One will explain how to benefit from Community Shared Solar. There is no fee for representatives of CNYC, FNYHC, CAI, UHAB, CCC and ARC member cooperatives and condominiums to attend this session; others are welcome at a fee of $50 if paid in advance or $75 at the door. Advance reservations are required. Call the CNYC office at (212) 496-7400 or send e-mail to [email protected] to reserve your place.

Thursdays, September 13th and 20th, 2018 6:00 - 9:30 PM Location to be announced
In this 2-session class, attorney Marc Luxemburg and property manager Gregory Carlson examine all aspects of operating cooperatives. The class is limited to board members of housing cooperatives. It is jointly sponsored by CNYC, the Federation of New York Housing Cooperatives and Condominiums and the Association of Riverdale Cooperatives, each of whose members attend at the member rate.. Advanced registration is required. A light supper is served in the break. The cost is $125 per person if your cooperative is a member of CNYC; FNYHC, CAI Big Apple Chapter or ARC; $200 for non-members. Pre-reserve, by phone (212) 496-7400 or e-mail to [email protected]. Payment sent to CNYC at 250 West 57 Street, Suite 730, NYC 10107 confirms your registration. There is a surcharge of $15 for late payment.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:00 PM Location to be announced
Attorney Marc J. Luxemburg, president of CNYC, led the development of a model Proprietary Lease and Shareholders Agreement, adapted to the 21st century needs of New York housing cooperatives. Version 2.15 includes suggestions received from many experts in the course of the development of this document. Mr. Luxemburg will discuss the major innovations of the new lease and will offer advice for ensuring its adoption. There is no cost for CNYC members and subscribers to attend this class, but advance registration is required. Others are welcome at a fee of $60 if paid in advance or $75 at the door. Call 212 496-7400 or send e-mail to [email protected] to reserve your place. Attorneys who work with low and moderate income cooperatives or who themselves have limited means may write to CNYC to explain their situation and request total or partial relief from the non-affiliate fee for this class.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018 7:00 PM Location to be announced
How do the best and most efficient boards run their buildings? Conduct their meetings? Oversee the well-being of their community? What are the essential documents that every board member should understand? When and how are professional advisors best used? Join accountant Rick Montanye, attorney Andrew Brucker and property Manager Michael Wolfe for a discussion of best practices for efficient, effective leadership of your cooperative or condominium.. Representatives of CNYC member cooperatives and condominiums attend at no cost, but advanced registration is required. Non-members are very welcome at a fee of $60, payable in advance. Reserve your place by calling CNYC at (212) 496-7400 or register by e-mail to [email protected]. To pay at the door, preregister and add $15.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 7:00 PM Location to be announced
State legislation passed last year and modified this year to definitely include both cooperatives and condominiums requires that boards report at least annually to shareholders/unit owners on any contracts entered into where conflict of interest might have occurred. The legislation offers no definition of conflict of interest, nor does it prescribe a format for this report. CNYC Vice President Arthur Weinstein, Esq. will provide insights, guidance, sample documents and answers to your questions. There is no charge for CNYC, FNYHC, CAI Big Apple, UHAB, CCC and ARC members to attend this class. Others are welcome at a fee of $60 if paid in advance or $75 at the door. Call 212 496-7400 or register online at [email protected] to reserve your place.


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